Single Session (60min)


If you'd like to experience the process for the first time or as a stand-alone follow-up after a package.


maxi package (6 sessions of 60min each)


If you're ready to take a big leap committed to creating lasting change.

Mini package (3 sessions of 60min each)


If you’re not ready to take a big leap yet, you can start out with a smaller package.

consultation (30min)


To ask questions and make sure
Core Transformation is a good fit for you.

Many clients experience significant breakthroughs in just 1-3 sessions of Core Transformation even with the issues they've been working on for years using other forms of coaching.

The number of sessions required depends on the issue, but quick change is always possible. For more information on the research into the effectiveness of the process, I recommend this research paper published in 2019.

By request

Price on inquiry

A monthly subscription depending on what works best for you.


Bringing what is beyond description to the realm of human experience.